図1 光害が発生した水田(左:夜間,右:昼間) Fig.1 Paddy field with light pollution (left: nighttime, right: daytime).図2 日長(日の出・日の入,昼時間)の年変化 Fig.2 Annual change in day length (sunrise/sunset, daylight hours).図3 夜間照明の漏れ光による出穂遅延のメカニズム Fig.3 Mechanism of delayed ear emergence due to light leakage from nighttime lighting.図4 各波長域の光源下での開花誘導遺伝子Hd3a発現比 Fig.4 Expression ratio of flowering-inducing gene Hd3a under light sources in each wavelength range.図5 代表的な照明による波長の相対発光強度 Fig.5 Relative emission intensity of wavelengths by typical illumination.図6 波長(青・緑・黄緑)・パルス・デューティ比の制御による開花誘導遺伝子Hd3a発現比の比較 Fig.6 Comparison of expression ratios of flowering-inducing gene Hd3a by controlling wavelength (blue, green, and yellowgreen), pulse, and duty ratio.図7 水銀ランプと光害阻止LEDにおける照度による出穂遅延日数への影響 Fig.7 Effect of illuminance on days of delayed ear emergence in mercury lamps and light pollution control LED.図8 光害阻止LED,蛍光ランプ,水銀ランプによる3 lx・5 lx・10 lxでの出穂遅延日数の比較 Fig.8 Comparison of days of delayed ear emergence at 3 lx, 5 lx, and 10 lx by light pollution control LED, fluorescent, and mercury lamps.図9 光害阻止照明による山口市名田島での実証試験 Fig.9 Demonstration test of light pollution control lighting at Natajima, Yamaguchi City.図10 光害阻止照明に対する住民のアンケート結果 Fig.10 Residents’ survey results on light pollution control lighting.図11 商品化された光害阻止防犯灯 Fig.11 Commercialized light pollution control lighting.図12 横浜市における光害阻止防犯灯の導入事例 Fig.12 Example of installation of light pollution control lighting in Yokohama City