
2024年11月 Vol.108 第6号
水野 暁夫
The effects of climate change are becoming more severe every year, with major impacts on the economy, society, and the environment. In addition, the movement toward building a low-carbon and carbon-free society is accelerating, and the role that companies must play is becoming increasingly important. Here, we will introduce examples of TV stations' efforts in the field of sustainability, such as TV TOKYO Corporation's conversion of its studio lighting equipment to all LED, remote production, and the realization of carbon neutrality. Furthermore, following the partial revision of the Cabinet Order and Ministerial Order on fall prevention devices on February 1, 2019, we will introduce the safety measures that each station is taking regarding work at heights, and look back on the past 10 years of studio lighting equipment.

図1 六本木第1スタジオ Fig.1 Roppongi Studio 1.
図2 ハロゲン3 kW相当の高出力LEDスポットライト Fig.2 High-output LED spotlight equivalent to 3 kW halogen.
図3 オールLED化した神谷町第2スタジオ Fig.3 Kamiyacho Studio 2 is now fully LED-equipped.
図4 神谷町第2スタジオの電力使用量比較 Fig.4 Comparison of electricity usage at Kamiyacho Studio 2.
図5 テレビ東京 LEDスタジオ照明設備リモートプロダクション構成概要 Fig.5 TV TOKYO Corporation’s LED studio lighting equipment remote production configuration overview.
図6 テレビ東京グループのCO2排出量の推移 Fig.6 TV Tokyo Group’s CO2 emissions.
図7 カーボン・オフセットのイメージ Fig.7 Carbon offset concept.
図8 各番組共通のレギュラー仕込み図面 Fig.8 Regular preparation drawing common to all programs.
図9 フルハーネス型墜落制止用器具の着用と安全ブロックの使用 Fig.9 Wearing a Full Harness type safety belt for fall arrest and using safety blocks.
図10 1点吊りコンセント AP-BOY(Accurate Positioning) Fig.10 Single-point hanging outlet AP-BOY (Accurate Positioning).
図11 モニター画面上の機材配置 Fig.11 Equipment arrangement on the monitor screen.
図12 美術と照明の連絡用図面 Fig.12 Art and lighting liaison drawing.
図13 回転機能を持たせた Rバトン Fig.13 R Baton with rotation function.
図14 既存のツールで安全管理 Fig.14 Safety management with existing tools.
図15 照明ブリッジ Fig.15 Lighting Bridge.
図16 脚立の注意喚起シート Fig.16 Stepladder warning sheet.
図17 二重グリッド Fig.17 Double grid.
図18 リモコンスポット(ムービングライト) Fig.18 Remote control spot(moving light).

テレビ東京 | スタジオ照明設備 | オールLEDスタジオ | サステナビリティ | カーボン ニュートラル | 高所作業 | TV TOKYO Corporation | studio lighting equipment | All LED studio | sustainability | working at height | carbon neutral

