
2025年1月 Vol.109 第1号
中村 元彦
We will create a new light environment for the new future city, Fukuoka, and it will become a standard. We aim at creating a high-quality light environment. Daimyo Garden Square will be a city oasis so that visitors can enjoy the night more actively. Daimyo Garden Square has three elements:people, environment, and urban vitality. Based on these elements, we will consider the sights of “see”, “be seen” and “gaze” to develop our light designs. Also, the building will stand out and deliver its symbolic feature to people by the light contrast and graduation which are the important attributes of light.Eventually, we will create a powerful lighting design to show the next level of the city.

図1 福岡大名ガーデンシティ・パークの光景 Fig.1 Scenery of Fukuoka Daimyo Garden City・Park.
図2 福岡大名ガーデンシティ・タワー棟明治通りからの視点 Fig.2 Fukuoka Daimyo Garden City, view from Meiji Street.
図3 頭頂部の照明デザイン Fig.3 The lighting design at the top of the building.
図4 18階には外壁フィンや柱,広場を照らす投光器を配置 Fig.4 Floodlights will be installed on the 18th floor to illuminate the exterior wall fins, columns and plaza.
図5 外壁フィンのモックアップ照明検証 Fig.5 Exterior wall fin mockup lighting verification.
図6 建物のエッジやコーナー部を光で際立たせる照明デザイン Fig.6 Lighting design that accentuates the tower’s edges, and corners.
図7 スリットラインを縁取るガラスエッジ照明 Fig.7 Glass edge lighting that frames the slit lines.
図8 ザ・リッツ・カールトン福岡の外観照明 Fig.8 The façade lighting at The Ritz-Carlton Fukuoka.
図9 ビジュアルモックアップによる照明シミュレーション検証 Fig.9 Verification of lighting simulation through visual mock-ups.
図10 施設や広場への導入効果を促す外観照明 Fig.10 The exterior lighting to promote the effect of introduction to facilities and plazas.
図11 外構照明 環境ゾーニング図 Fig.11 Exterior lighting environment zoning diagram
図12 建築・外構・照明が一体となる照明環境 Fig.12 A lighting environment that integrates architecture, exterior, and lighting.
図13 間接照明の詳細とモックアップ検証 Fig.13 Indirect lighting details and mockup verification.
図14 水盤・植栽・ベンチ・アートを活かした照明演出 Fig.14 The lighting focusses on highlights such as water features, vegetation, benches, and art pieces.
図15 夜も市民や来訪者に親しまれる都心のオアシス Fig.15 This design strives to create a welcoming oasis in the heart of the city, accessible to all.

ファサード照明 | 広場照明 | ガラス建築 | 再開発 | urban lighting | façade lighting | square lighting | glass architecture | redevelopment | 都市照明 | lighting design | 照明デザイン

