
B Residence
2025年1月 Vol.109 第1号
久保 隆文
吉清 紫
阿部 実
This villa was built in the foothills of Kanagawa Prefecture. The living/dining/kitchen area focuses on the panoramic view of the majestic mountains from the windows, hiding the neighboring house to the south. Furthermore, it is designed to give a sense of continuity in the space extending east to west. The spatial composition, which alternates between large and small similar spaces, brings variety to the one-room apartment while also providing a view beyond the tunnel-like space. In line with the architectural concept, the lighting plan used different lighting methods depending on the location, such as line lighting on the floor to emphasize the east-west axis, and locally illuminating the ceiling. We were particular about creating an intuitive beauty of the lighting environment.

図1 夕方 玄関からの全景 Fig.1 Front view at the early evening.
図2 昼 借景が屋内へ混ざりこむ Fig.2 Borrowed scenery is blend in indoor when the daytime.
図3 夕方 借景に屋内が進出する Fig.3 Indoor extend to borrowed scenery when the early evening.
図4 夜 リビング キッチン Fig.4 Living kitchen view at the evening.
図5 リビングダイニング 昼 東側 Fig.5 Living dining room, East view at the daytime.
図6 リビングダイニング 夕方 東側 Fig.6 Living dining room, East view at the early evening.
図7 リビングダイニング 昼 南側 Fig.7 Living dining room, South view at the daytime.
図8 リビングダイニング 夕方 南側 Fig.8 Living dining room, South view at the early evening.
図9 リビングダイニング 昼 西側 Fig.9 Living dining room, West view at the daytime.
図10 リビングダイニング 夕方 西側 Fig.10 Living dining room, West view at the early evening.
図11 廊下 Fig.11 Corridor.
図12 浴室 Fig.12 Bathroom.
図13 主寝室 Fig.13 Main Bedroom.

建築家照明 | 借景 | グラデーション | architectural lighting | house | borrowed scenery | gradation | lighting design | 住宅 | 照明デザイン

